Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (463 A.H.) states in Al-Faqih wal-Mutafaqqih:
وأما المتكلمون: فهم معذورون فيما يظهرونه من الازدراء بأهل الحديث، والعيب لهم، لما بينهم من التباين الباعث على البغضاء والتشاحن، واعتقادهم في جل ما ينقلونه، وعظم ما يروونه ويتداولونه، إبطالَه، وإكفار الذين يصححونه، وإعظامهم عليهم الفرية، وتسميتهم لهم الحشوية، واعتقادُ المحدثين في المتكلمين غير خاف على العلماء والمتعلمين، فهما كما قال الأول:
الله يعلم إنا لا نحبكم ... ولا نلومكم إذ لا تحبونا
As for the Mutakallimun, they are excused for the disdain they display towards the scholars of hadith and the criticisms they levy against them. This is due to the significant differences between them, which provoke mutual hostility and discord. The Mutakallimun believe that much of what the hadith scholars transmit and circulate is false, and they consider those who authenticate these transmissions as disbelievers and fabricators. They label the hadith scholars as hashawiyya. The opinion of the hadith scholars regarding the Mutakallimun is well known to both scholars and students. As it was said:
"Allah knows that we do not love you, And we do not blame you for not loving us."
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