Inshallah, this page will be periodically updated with articles relating to the subject of Allah’s divine attributes.
January 22, 2022: A Review of Dr. Yasir Qadhi’s “Advanced Aqidah” Course
February 5, 2022: Is Ash'arism the Theology of the Masses?
February 10, 2022: Does It Matter If the Majority of Scholars Follow Your Theological School?
May 12, 2022: The Hanbali School's Aqeedah on Allah's Attributes
July 16, 2022: Was Ibn Kathir an Ash'ari?
July 24, 2022: Imam al-Bukhari’s Aqeedah on Allah’s Attributes: Salafi or Ash’ari Inclined?
July 28, 2022: Pre-Ibn Taymiyyah Shafi Scholars with Salafi Theology on Allah’s Attributes
September 15, 2022: Can All These Ash’ari Scholars Be Wrong?
October 4, 2022: Allah, the All-Wise, Acts with Purpose
November 2, 2022: Clear and Authentic Narrations Affirming Allah’s Hands as Attributes
November 3, 2022: Was Imam Abu Hanifah a Theologically Inclined Proto-Maturidi? - Dr. Ulrich Rudolph's Assessment
November 4, 2022: Affirming and Negating a Jism (Body) for Allah
November 5, 2022: Affirming and Negating a Makan (Place) for Allah
November 6, 2022: Is It the Belief of Pharaoh or Prophet Musa That Allah Is above the Heavens?
November 9, 2022: The ‘Uluww (Elevation) of Allah
May 1, 2023: The Attribution of ar-Radd 'ala al-Jahmiyyah to Imam Ahmad
May 7, 2023: What Does it Mean that Allah Creates Our Actions?
May 8, 2023: Are Salafi Theological Stances Rationally Defensible?
May 9, 2023: Imam at-Tabari’s Aqeedah on Sifat
June 6, 2023: Imam Malik’s Aqeedah on Sifat
September 4, 2023: The Inclusion of Asharis within Ahlus Sunnah by Later Hanbalis
January 7, 2024: Supplication Towards the Heavens as Evidence of Allah’s Uluww
June 25, 2024: Abu Al-Abbass Al-Qurtubi (d. 656 A.H.) on the Regret of Some Mutakallimun
July 25, 2024: Imam as-Suyuti: The Mutakallimun Rejected Saheeh Ahadeeth
August 1, 2024: Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi on the Hostility Between the Ahlul Hadith and Mutakallimun
August 10, 2024: The Perspective of Some Ash’ari and Maturidi Scholars on Logic and Kalam
August 12, 2024: How Did Ibn Taymiyyah Ease Hostilities Between the Hanbalis and Asharis?
August 13, 2024: The Ash’ari Rejection of the Salafi Theological School
August 14, 2024: Are the Differences Between Ash’aris and Ahl Al-Hadith Semantic and Minor?
August 17, 2024: Can Salafis and Ash’aris Consider Each Other Ahlus Sunnah?
August 18, 2024: Ibn ‘Abd Al-Barr’s (d. 463 A.H.) Aqeedah on Allah’s Attributes
August 20, 2024: Did Imam Malik Make Ta’wil of Allah’s Descent?
August 22, 2024: The Mutakallimun and Using God as a Handkerchief
September 19, 2024: Hidden Ash'ari Strategies: Tashbih, Tajsim, and the 'Restricted Area' of Theological Debate
November 16, 2024: Allah Speaks in Letters and Sounds
November 27, 2024: Did Ibn Khuzaymah (d. 311 A.H.) Retract His Stance on Sifat?