Again, as this article stresses, there are other reasons to doubt it or to interpret it away.
Moreover, I add from myself, that more importantly, an isolated ta'weel is not proof that it was systematic or that it stemmed from presuppositions that aligned with Ashari thinking, which is what essentially matters.
Salaam alaikum akhi
Are you a "taymi" in aqeedah? And do you consider tawassul and istightha as shirk?
Even the response you provide is weak, as it admits: ولكنهم لم يقيموا وثاقته بشكل صريح
You can read this
Again, as this article stresses, there are other reasons to doubt it or to interpret it away.
Moreover, I add from myself, that more importantly, an isolated ta'weel is not proof that it was systematic or that it stemmed from presuppositions that aligned with Ashari thinking, which is what essentially matters.