Assalamualaikum ustadh can you clarify the following Fatwa by Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Ramli al-Shafi'i, the student of Shaykh al-Islam Zakariyya al-Ansari al-Shafi'i:
بأن الاستغاثة بالأنبياء والمرسلين والأولياء والعلماء والصالحين جائزة ، وللرسل والأنبياء والأولياء والصالحين إغاثة بعد موتهم ، لأن معجزة الأنبياء وكرامات الأولياء لا تنقطع بموتهم . أما الأنبياء فلأنهم أحياء في قبورهم يصلون ويحجون كما وردت به الأخبار وتكون الإغاثة منهم معجزة لهم ، والشهداء أيضا أحياء شوهدوا نهاراً جهاراً يقاتلون الكفار ، وأما الأولياء فهي كرامة لهم ، فإن أهل الحق على أنه يقع من الأولياء بقصد ويغير قصد أمور خارقة للعادة يجريها الله تعالى بسببهم ، والدليل على جوازها أنها أمور ممكنة لا يلزم من جواز وقوعها محال وكل ما هذا شأنه فهو جائز الوقوع ، وعلى الوقوع قصة مريم ورزقها الآتي من عند الله على ما نطق به التنزيل ، وقصة أبي بكر وأضيافه كما في الصحيح ، وجريان النيل بكتاب عمر ، ورؤيته وهو على المنبر بالمدينة جيشه بنهاوند حتى قال لأمير الجيش : يا سارية الجبل ، محذرا له من وراء الجبل لكمين العدو هناك وسماع سارية كلامه وبينهما مسافة شهرين ، وشرب خالد السم من غير تضرر به . وقد جرت خوارق على أيدي الصحابة والتابعين ومن بعدهم لا يمكن إنكارها لتواتر مجموعها وبالجملة ما جاز أن يكون معجزة لنبي جاز أن يكون كرامة لولي لا فارق بينهما إلا التحدي
"It is permissible to seek help from prophets, messengers, saints, scholars, and righteous people. The prophets, messengers, saints, and righteous people can offer assistance even after their death because the miracles (mu'jiza) of the prophets and the extraordinary acts (Karāmāt) of saints do not cease with their death. As for the prophets, they are alive in their graves, praying and performing pilgrimage as reported in the narrations. Their assistance is considered a miracle. Martyrs are also alive; they have been witnessed fighting the disbelievers in broad daylight. As for the saints, their extraordinary acts are considered an honour. The people of truth hold that supernatural occurrences can happen at the hands of saints, whether intentionally or unintentionally, through the will of God. The proof of its permissibility is that these are possible events that do not entail anything impossible. Anything of this nature is possible. Regarding such occurrences, there is the story of Mary and the provision she received from God, as mentioned in the Qur'an, and the story of Abu Bakr and his guests, as recorded in the authentic narrations. Other examples include the flowing of the Nile River due to a letter from Umar, and his vision while on the pulpit in Medina of his army in Nahavand, where he warned the commander, Sariyah, by saying, 'O Sariyah, the mountain!' to alert him to an enemy ambush behind the mountain, even though there was a distance of two months' travel between them. There is also the story of Khalid drinking poison without being harmed.Many supernatural occurrences have happened at the hands of the Companions, the Followers (Tabi'een), and those who came after them, which cannot be denied due to their repeated occurrence. In summary, what can be a miracle for a prophet can also be an extraordinary act for a saint, with the only difference being the element of challenge (i.e., the miracle serves as a challenge or proof in the case of a prophet)."
Assalamualaikum ustadh can you clarify the following Fatwa by Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Ramli al-Shafi'i, the student of Shaykh al-Islam Zakariyya al-Ansari al-Shafi'i:
بأن الاستغاثة بالأنبياء والمرسلين والأولياء والعلماء والصالحين جائزة ، وللرسل والأنبياء والأولياء والصالحين إغاثة بعد موتهم ، لأن معجزة الأنبياء وكرامات الأولياء لا تنقطع بموتهم . أما الأنبياء فلأنهم أحياء في قبورهم يصلون ويحجون كما وردت به الأخبار وتكون الإغاثة منهم معجزة لهم ، والشهداء أيضا أحياء شوهدوا نهاراً جهاراً يقاتلون الكفار ، وأما الأولياء فهي كرامة لهم ، فإن أهل الحق على أنه يقع من الأولياء بقصد ويغير قصد أمور خارقة للعادة يجريها الله تعالى بسببهم ، والدليل على جوازها أنها أمور ممكنة لا يلزم من جواز وقوعها محال وكل ما هذا شأنه فهو جائز الوقوع ، وعلى الوقوع قصة مريم ورزقها الآتي من عند الله على ما نطق به التنزيل ، وقصة أبي بكر وأضيافه كما في الصحيح ، وجريان النيل بكتاب عمر ، ورؤيته وهو على المنبر بالمدينة جيشه بنهاوند حتى قال لأمير الجيش : يا سارية الجبل ، محذرا له من وراء الجبل لكمين العدو هناك وسماع سارية كلامه وبينهما مسافة شهرين ، وشرب خالد السم من غير تضرر به . وقد جرت خوارق على أيدي الصحابة والتابعين ومن بعدهم لا يمكن إنكارها لتواتر مجموعها وبالجملة ما جاز أن يكون معجزة لنبي جاز أن يكون كرامة لولي لا فارق بينهما إلا التحدي
"It is permissible to seek help from prophets, messengers, saints, scholars, and righteous people. The prophets, messengers, saints, and righteous people can offer assistance even after their death because the miracles (mu'jiza) of the prophets and the extraordinary acts (Karāmāt) of saints do not cease with their death. As for the prophets, they are alive in their graves, praying and performing pilgrimage as reported in the narrations. Their assistance is considered a miracle. Martyrs are also alive; they have been witnessed fighting the disbelievers in broad daylight. As for the saints, their extraordinary acts are considered an honour. The people of truth hold that supernatural occurrences can happen at the hands of saints, whether intentionally or unintentionally, through the will of God. The proof of its permissibility is that these are possible events that do not entail anything impossible. Anything of this nature is possible. Regarding such occurrences, there is the story of Mary and the provision she received from God, as mentioned in the Qur'an, and the story of Abu Bakr and his guests, as recorded in the authentic narrations. Other examples include the flowing of the Nile River due to a letter from Umar, and his vision while on the pulpit in Medina of his army in Nahavand, where he warned the commander, Sariyah, by saying, 'O Sariyah, the mountain!' to alert him to an enemy ambush behind the mountain, even though there was a distance of two months' travel between them. There is also the story of Khalid drinking poison without being harmed.Many supernatural occurrences have happened at the hands of the Companions, the Followers (Tabi'een), and those who came after them, which cannot be denied due to their repeated occurrence. In summary, what can be a miracle for a prophet can also be an extraordinary act for a saint, with the only difference being the element of challenge (i.e., the miracle serves as a challenge or proof in the case of a prophet)."
(Kitāb Fatāwā al-Ramlī fī Furūʿ)
A brother quoted that to justify istighatha
Wswrwb, I don’t think this can be clarified like in the case of Al-Subki and Al-Haytami. We reject this stance and the arguments used.
It's funny how all of these other scholars were conveniently ignored to illustrate that ibn Taymiyyah RH was alone in his views :