As Salam u alaykum brother Bassam, I hope you are doing well. I was hoping for your insight if you know anything regarding Tabari’s belief on this idea of Kasb,

Here is a quote that is often attached to him,

“ولكن القرآن نزل بلسان العرب على ما قد قدمنا البيان عنه في أول الكتاب. ومن شأن العرب إضافة الفعل إلى من وُجد منه ، وإن كان مسببه غير الذي وجد منه أحياناً، وأحياناً إلى مسببه، وإن كان الذي وجد منه الفعل غيره. فكيف بالفعل الذي يكتسبه العبد كسباً ويوجده الله جل ثناؤه عيناً مُنشأة ؟ بل ذلك أحرى أن يضاف إلى مكتسبه كسباً له بالقوة منه عليه والاختيار منه

له، وإلى الله جل ثناؤه بإيجاد عينه وإنشائها تدبيراً ."

Also if you could can you link me a read related to Kasb, istighatha (as the theory of Kasb is often used as a “copout” when individuals say that Allah gives the Awliyah the ability to say Kun or whatever they desire under the limits of Allah.

Barak’Allah feek for your time and I genuinely appreciate you brother Bassam. Salami u alaykum and apologies if my question is too long.

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wa alaykum assalam,

We have to be careful not to retroject our understanding of terms back unto others. What Imam at-Tabari is primarily speaking about here is a linguistic feature, which we all agree with.

Secondly, the Tabari quote is against them. In fact, I actually cited that very same passage over here https://islamicdiscourse.substack.com/p/what-does-it-mean-that-allah-creates as proof for us! Notice what I put in bold. Does that sound like an occasionalist denying potency in the creation? Hardly!

Dr. Sultan al-Umayri in his Sharh of Kitab at-Tawheed properly addresses the kasb argument for Istighatha.

wa alaykum assalam

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