What is meant by the throne is above water?

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

An anti-Wahhabi on YT wrote that Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) and Imam Shafi'i (RA) had Ash'ari beliefs. He claimed that Pseudo-Salafis are known to misinterpreted the pious Salaf and argued that Asha'ari (RA) and Imam Maturidi (RA) were the ones who codified the creed of Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) and Imam Shafi'i (RA). Do you have access on the beliefs of the former Imams?

He also argued that the "Najdi da'wah" chains in all Islamic sciences mostly depend on the narrations of the Asha'ari, Maturidi and Sufis.

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I noticed that you have a habit of merely describing what others believe (which is no secret) rather than posit a specific argument. I hope that will stop.

As for chains….

“You depend on us Asharis for knowledge of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Can you name me one isnad for the Qur’an and ahadeeth back to its source without it containing a single Ashari?!”

We find these sorts of fallacious arguments being propagated by some of the adherents of these “rational” schools.

A few points:

1) It’s a historical fact which is under no serious academic dispute that the Asharis only became *dominant* roughly 500 years after hijrah. So if we lived around the sixth century hijri and posed the same exact question back to the Asharis at that time, their response would be: “No, we cannot find an isnad without it containing a Hanbali/Ahlul Hadeeth figure in it.”

2) There is absolutely nothing wrong with accepting chains of transmission containing those whom you deem to be Ahlul Bid’ah in it as long as that mubtadi’ is not known for lying and generally meets the condition of a Saheeh transmission. We may disagree with Asharis on key issues of theology, but that in no way means that we believe that Asharis would fabricate the Qur’an or what not.

3) It’s absolutely absurd to suggest that we are somehow *dependent* upon knowing the Qur’an or ahadeeth through these asaaneed. The Qur’an is a mass transmitted and practiced text. The ten Qira’at were long established before the Asharis became dominant, and with or without the Asharis, the Qur’an would have still reached us via other means as Allah promised. Big deal. Similarly, these ahadeeth WOULD HAVE MOST ESPECIALLY reached us via THE ATHARIS who would have greatly valued the importance of preserving and relaying them.

Look, whoever is dominant and in power will in some way or another be “relied upon” for something. But there’s nothing according to logic or revelation which insists that this somehow validates all the views of that relied upon person/group.

So once again, we find ourselves dismissing yet another embarrassingly fallacious argument which is propelled by so-called “rational” people desperately craving to validate their madhab.

Shaykh Faris makes a good point that despite at-Tabarani being accused of anthropomorphism, the Asharis desperately required his asaaneed.


I think a good point to add is that Mu'tazilah also participated in the Isnad tradition. Most late Asanid of the Muwatta' of Muhammad go through Al-Zamakhshari the Mu'tazili. Additionally, the most famous Isnad of the Musalsal Bil Awwaliyyah revolves around Abu Nasr Al-Sijzi who was anti Ash'ari and wrote books on Al-Harf Wa Al-Sawt.

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أسانيد الأشعرية بشهادة ابن حجر

لابن حجر العسقلاني كتاب مشهور اسمه المعجم المفهرس جمع فيه أسانيده إلى الكتب المشهورة وهو من أوسع المتأخرين رواية وعليه دائما يعول أشاعرة زماننا لهذا سأعتمد هذا الكتاب لبيان حقيقة ( الأسانيد لا تخلو من أشعري ) !

أولا : أبو الحسن الأشعري مؤسس المذهب لا يوجد في أي إسناد أي كتاب من كتب الحديث وكذلك الباقلاني في الوقت الذي نجد فيه أبا علي الأهوازي صاحب كتاب مثالب الأشعري يحتاج إليه ابن حجر فيروي من طريقه مسند المقلين من الصحابة ممن روى عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لأبي بكر النجاد وجزء من حديث أبي يعلى

وابن حجر لم يهتم بأمر القراءات ولو روى فيها لاحتاج للأهوازي أكثر فهو مقريء مشهور

ثانيا : كذلك ابن فورك والغزالي وأبو محمد الجويني لا يذكرون في أسانيد أي كتاب من كتب الحديث وإنما ذكر الغزالي في روايته لكتاب لشيخه الجويني

وهذا أبو الوقت السجزي هو صاحب رواية من أشهر روايات الصحيح وهو تلميذ أبي إسماعيل الأنصاري الهروي ( وقد سماه ابن حجر شيخ الإسلام ) والسجزي هذا روى كتاب ذم الكلام لشيخه الهروي وابن حجر رواه من طريقه وهذا الكتاب فيه فصل في تكفير الأشعرية !

ثالثا : لم يرو ابن حجر أي كتاب من كتب الحديث من طريق تقي الدين السبكي ( وإن كان روى معجمه كما روى معجم الذهبي )

في الوقت الذي احتاج فيه إلى الرواية عن ابن تيمية في مشيخة ابن عبد الدائم وكتاب الجهاد لابن أبي عاصم ( ولا يفهم من هذا أنه لولا ابن تيمية لضاع هذا الكتاب بل الشيخ متابع وعامة الرواية في زمن الشيخ لأصول موجودة ومتواترة عن بعض الشيخ الرواة ولكنني أكلم القوم على عقلهم إذ يفرحون بأسانيد المتأخرين التي هي في الغالب لتوكيد القراءة على الشيوخ لا لحفظ الأصل )

وكذلك ما روى ابن حجر من طريق النووي شيئا من كتب الحديث ( وكتبه روى عددا منها من طريق تلميذه ابن العطار المنحرف عن الأشعرية ) وما روى شيئا من طريق التاج السبكي وإنما كان يروي عن أخته سارة

رابعا : لا ننكر وجود رواية عند بعض حفاظ الأشعرية ولكنها في الغالب في الأزمنة المتأخرة جدا وقد زاحمهم غيرهم فكتاب ابن حجر هذا ستجد ذكر المزي والبرزالي والذهبي وابن المحب وقبلهم أبو طاهر السلفي والحفاظ المقادسة وآل مندة الحنابلة وآل تيمية كثيرا يضاهي بل ويغلب على ذكر آل عساكر على سبيل المثال ( بل المزي وحده ذكره غالب على ذكر آل عساكر جميعا ) بل الطريف رسالة الإيمان للأشعري رواها من طريق أبي طاهر السلفي المشهور بمنافرته للقوم

وقد شرحت في مقال مستقل أسطورة صحيح البخاري لم يروه ولَم يشرحه إلا الأشاعرة غير أن المراد التنبيه عليه هنا أن تلك الدعوة العظيمة التي لا ينبغي لفرقة كلامية أن تدعيها ( أن كل الناس يحتاجون إليهم في الأسانيد ) دعوى معكوسة بل هُم أحوج لغيرهم وهذا غير مستغرب لأنهم فرقة كلامية أصلا ودخولهم في هذا الفن جاء متأخرا وَيَا ليت شعري أصحاب الكتب الحديثية في القرون الأولى ما كان على هذه المذاهب بل كانوا منافرين لها أشد المنافرة

قال ابن جماعة الأشعري في إيضاح الدليل : ولقد أنكر على الدارقطني وابن خزيمة رواية مثل هذه الأحاديث وإيداعها في مصنفاتهم من غير مبالغة في الطعن في أمثالها

وإنما غلب على كثير من المحديثن مجرد النقل والإكثار من الغرائب مع جهلهم بما يجب لله تعالى من الصفات وما يستحيل عليه بأدلة ذلك القطعية القاطعة عند أهل النظر والعلم إذ قنعوا من العلم بمجرد النقل وهو في الحقيقة كما قال بعض الأئمة الاقتصار.

فتأمل كيف أنه ينسب عامة المحدثين لكونهم يجهلون ما يجب على الله وهذا معناه عنده أنهم ما كانوا أشاعرة وهذه شهادة عزيزة

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RemovedNov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022
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Akhi, I'm not going to let you just copy paste material here. If you have very specific questions, you're welcome to ask. Salam.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Among his arguments are that Imam Tabari, Qurtubi and ibn Kathir had views that were perfectly in line with the Ash'ari aqeedah.

Al-Tabari said, in his commentary on the verse { Then turned He (thumma istawa) to the heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens } (2:29):

The meaning of istiwa' in this verse is height (ʿuluw) and elevation... but if one claims that this means displacement for Allah, tell him: He is high and elevated over the heaven with the height of sovereignty and power, not the height of displacement and movement to and fro.

Al Qurtubi came to the verse from many different angles, he brought the grammatical side, he brought the qira'at into it, narrations into it and mafahim. This is what he had to say.....

Under the tafsir of Ayatul Kursi volume 2 page 181. He says: "What is being intended here is the elevation and the highness in status not the highness in place (sensory spacious highness)." In Volume 9 Surah Al Mulk, he says: "Allah created places (space) and Allah is not in need of places. He is independent and not in need of them. Allah existed before space and time. There is no space for Allah."

Here's Ibn Kathir tafsir on Istawa: Verse 25:59

وقوله تعالى: { ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ وَٱلأَرْضَ } الآية، أي: هو الحي الذي لا يموت، وهو خالق كل شيء وربه ومليكه، الذي خلق بقدرته السموات السبع في ارتفاعها واتساعها، والأرضين السبع في سفولها وكثافتها { فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ ٱسْتَوَىٰ عَلَى ٱلْعَرْشِ } أي: يدبر الأمر، ويقضي الحق، وهو خير الفاصلين.

(in six Days. Then He istawa ‘ala the Throne.) means, He is running all affairs and He decrees according to the truth, and He is the best of those who decide.

In his “Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar” Abu Hanifah said,

ومعنى الشىءِ إثباتُهُ بلا جسمٍ ولا جوهرٍ ولا عَرَضٍ، ولا حدَّ لهُ، ولا ضدَّ لهُ، ولا ندَّ له، ولا مِثلَ لهُ.

“When we say that Allah is shay’ we mean that He exists without a body, essence, or temporary attributes. He does not have a limit, an opposite, a substitute, or a like in any sense of likeness at all.” (Al Fiqh Al Akbar 63)

Abu Hanifah said in Al Fiqh Al Absat:

كان الله ولا مكان ، كان قبل أن يخلق الخلق ، كان ولم يكن أين ولا خلق ولا شىء وهو خالق كل شىء فمن قال لا أعرف ربي أفي السماء أم في الأرض فهو كافر . كذلك من قال إنه على العرش ولا أدري العرش أفي السماء أم في الأرض

Allah existed and there was no place. He existed before he created creation. He existed and there was no “where,” no creation or anything else. He is the Creator of everything. So the one that says, “I do not know about by Lord, is He in the Sky or on Earth,” is a blasphemer. Likewise, the one who says “Verily He is over the throne, but I do not know whether the throne is in the sky or on Earth.”

The belief of Abu Hanifah was narrated by Al-Tahaawi in his Aqidah, who stated {in brackets}: {Allah is above} the status of {having limits, extremes, corners, limbs or instruments. The six directions} up, down, front, back, left and right {do not contain Him} because that would make Him {like all created things}.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022Author

The statement to Ali (r) has no isnad, so discounted.

Keeping aside the fact that Abul Fadl al-Tamimi does not represent the bulk of Hanbali scholarship (see here https://islamicdiscourse.substack.com/p/the-hanbali-schools-aqeedah-on-allahs), there isn’t any objection a Salafi would have with that statement from Imam Ahmad if he did even say it.

Imam al-Khattabi’s aqeedah is differed upon. Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali in his commentary on Saheeh al-Bukhari said that Imam al-Khattabi changed his views, and this was reflected in his anti-Kalamist work, al-Ghunya ‘an al-Kalam wa-Ahlih:

وقد ذكر الأشعري في بعض كتبه أن طريقة المتكلمين في الاستدلال على قدم الصانع وحدوث العالم بالجواهر والأجسام والأعراض محرمة عند علماء المسلمين .

وقد روي ذم ذلك وإنكاره ونسبته إلى الفلاسفة عن أبي حنيفة .

وقال ابن سريج : توحيد أهل العلم وجماعة المسلمين : الشهادتان ، وتوحيد أهل الباطن من المسلمين : الخوض في الأعراض والأجسام ، وإنما بعث النبي ( بإنكار ذلك .

خرّجه أبو عبد الرحمن السلمي .

وكذلك ذكره الخطابي في رسالته في - الغنية عن الكلام وأهله - .

وهذا يدل على أن ما يؤخذ من كلامه في كثير من كتبه مما يخالف ذلك ويوافق طريقة المتكلمين فقد رجع عنه ، فإن نفي كثير من الصفات إنما هو مبني على ثبوت هذه الطريقة .

Regarding Abu Hanifah, see here https://islamicdiscourse.substack.com/p/was-imam-abu-hanifah-a-theologically

And regarding Tahawi’s statement, see here http://www.abovethethrone.com/arsh/articles/kwqku-concerning-the-saying-of-at-tahaawi-d-321h-the-six-directions-do-not-contain-him.cfm

There are no issues with the citations you provided from at-Tabari. So, I'm not sure what the issue is.

Al-Qurtubi was a late Ashari, so what?

For Ibn Kathir’s aqeedah, see here https://islamicdiscourse.substack.com/p/was-ibn-kathir-an-ashari

I will not allow you to post more questions until you concede or acknowledge the responses I gave you first. Demonstrate to me that you’re doing your homework so that I give you the time you ask for to address your concerns.


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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

Jzk Allahu khayr,

As I pointed out I'm not well-versed in this but I'm eager to learn. I do apologize if I come as off as a little assertive; it wasn't my intention. I'll look through the links.

As for Tabari RH, basically the argument is that he made ta'wil on the verses especially 2:29.

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How should we take all of these verdicts?

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

There are more scholars he brought forth. Basically the argument is that Salafis are guilty of tashbih while classical scholars including the Salaf were mufawidhuun. Below are his proofs.

Imam ‘Ali ibn abi Talib said; “Indeed, Allah the Exalted created the Throne as a manifestation of His Power and not a place for His Essence. He was in the beginning, while there was no place or time and He is now as He ever was” (Imam ‘Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi, Al-Farq Bayn al-Firaq, p. 41)

Abu al-Fadl al-Tamimi (RA) mentioned the position were reported from Imam Ahmad (RA) concerning istiwa. He considered it "of the Attributes of act" (min sifat al-fiʿl.) He related that Imam Ahmad (RA) said:

[Istiwa']: It means height/exaltation (ʿuluw) and elevation (irtifaʿ). Allah - Most High - is ever exalted (ʿali) and elevated (rafiʿ) without beginning, before He created the Throne. He is above everything (huwa fawqa kulli shay'), and He is exalted over everything (huwa al-ʿali ʿala kulli shay'). He only specified the Throne because of its particular significance which makes it different from everything else, as the Throne is the best of all things and the most elevated of them. Allah - Most High - therefore praised Himself by saying that He { established Himself over the Throne }, that is, He exalted Himself over it (ʿalayhi ʿala). It is impermissible to say that He established Himself with a contact or a meeting with it. Exalted is Allah above that! Allah is not subject to change, substitution, nor limits, whether before or after the creation of the Throne.

Imam al-Khattabi [319 H-388 H] in A’lamul Hadith pg. 1474 explains the meaning of the statement ‘Allah is above the throne’ saying:

“And the statement of the Muslims, Allah is ‘alal ‘arsh (upon the throne) does not mean that He is touching it or is in the place above it, or that He is located in a direction from it. But He is separate / distinct from all of His creations”

Here are quotes he presented from al-Tabari. The following is form “Tārīkh al-Umam wa l-Mulūk” (1/3):

لا تحيط به الأوهام، ولا تحويه الأقطار

”The mind can not comprehend him and locations do not contain him.”

Imam Tabari also says in his Tafsir under the Surah al-A’raf Ayah 127:

{وإنا فوقهم قاهرون}

يقول: وإنا عالون عليهم بالقهر، يعني بقهر الملك والسلطان. وقد بينا أن كل شىء عال بقهر وغلبة على شيء، فإن العرب تقول: هو فوقه.انتهى

‘‘We are subjugators over them.’’ He said: We are above them with subjugation. This refers to subjugation with dominion and power. And we have already shown that everything with subjugation over something else, that the arabs says about it: He is above him.

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wa alaykum assalam,

Please elaborate further. Jzak.

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