Inshallah, this page will be periodically updated with articles relating to the subject of Shaykh Muhammad b. Abdul Wahhab.
February 6, 2021: Yasir Qadhi and the Reality of Shirk
September 24, 2022: Non-“Wahhabi” Quotes on Venerating the Dead
October 18, 2022: Dr. Cole M. Bunzel on Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Being Antagonized First
October 21, 2022: Did Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhāb Falsely Attribute a Kufri Belief to Others?
October 23, 2022: The Antagonism and Takfīr by Muḥammad b. Abdul Wahhāb’s Opponents
October 24, 2022: ‘Wahhabism’ and the Arab Bedouins’ Lack of Commitment to Islam
August 28, 2023: Dr. Tahir Wyatt on Shaykh Muhammad b. Abdul Wahhab and Tawheed
September 3, 2023: Regarding Shaykh Muhammad b. Abdul Wahhab’s Claim That No One Understood Tawheed Before Him
July 25, 2024: Didn’t All the Hanbalis Oppose Shaykh Muhammad b. Abdul Wahhab?
July 29, 2024: Does Shaykh Muhammad b. Abdul Wahhab's Takfeer Extend to the Majority of Later Scholars?
January 8, 2025: Addressing Common Misconceptions About the Najdi Da’wah
What's your view of Wahhab?